10 More Days

Posted by on Wednesday, January 7, 2009

So, I have about 10 days left here at home before I go back to Brown. Today was pretty awesome, Nat, her friend Collin, and I went to Volcano National Park to go hiking along the crater trail, it was a great workout, especially walking uphill! XD

I took a lot of pictures of the scenery, and it makes me feel like sometimes, okay, well, most times, I take this place for granted. There's so much natural beauty here, so much that's untouched by civilization. And yes, there is SO MUCH less to do here than in a city on the mainland, but I think something that only places like Hawaii can provide, is appreciation.

Appreciation for time, for nature, scenery. Everything goes by so slowly here--everyone's on "Hawaii time". I guess you can say it's a nice break from college, haha. Despite this, I'm still looking forward to going back to school and seeing everyone! I miss them. I also miss Tae Kwon Do, you have no idea. :(

It's still really hard for me to believe that my first year in college is almost done. I have to get a ton finished during these next 10 days: figure out my course schedule for next semester, do those journal entries in chinese, art project, send in my application for the Princeton in Beijing summer program, get started on doing the application for Duke in China, blahblah.

OH, and on a random note, I learned how to say cuddle in chinese!!!


translation: We can cuddle now! or Now we can cuddle!


Dub Dub out

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