Archive for April 2010

Only Fools Rush In

I'm scared.

But excited, thrilled and hopeful.

The human condition is remarkable. In the face of aversive consequences--whether it be physical or emotional pain--we stubbornly persist.

We risk breaking down every emotional defense we spend our entire lives trying to construct to

reach out.

And hope for a glimpse--a brief moment that has and will never have, any meaningful significance in the universe,

for a touch. A connection.

We are just matter floating in space, and our existence is but a tiny fraction of all that ever will be.

But in that moment of connection; in that moment of awkward smiles, outrageous laughter, and soft kisses on the side of your lips...

We feel infinite.








"You're Beautiful," he said.

My time.

My time--it's,

it's running out.

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