Who are you?

Posted by on Monday, June 11, 2012

Posted 8/13/2008

August 5th, 2008 10:16 am Hawaii time--time of sent voicemail.

Time voicemail was listened to: August 13th, 2008, 5:11pm

I thought that it was just one of those corny prank recordings of some kind of lame catch phrase starting off with a piano riff.

But as I started listening to it, the more and more it felt like I needed to listen to it. Like it was something that I just needed to hear, needed to feel. 

I sat there, dumbfounded on the lounge chair gazing out into the Bethesda city life, listening to the piano piece someone recorded as a voicemail message on my phone.

Thank you.

Even if it was just a prank, or some accident.

But if you are out there reading this and have left me the message, please, feel free to leave me another message like this. I am also so very sorry I checked my messages late.

Who are you?

Tell me.

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