At Random and Bitching

Posted by on Saturday, March 7, 2009

So, it's been quite a while since I've written a blog, haha.  I have to stop taking naps, seriously, they really mess up my sleep cycle.

Ugh, I have so much work to get done this weekend--I'm hoping to start tomorrow morning.

and without further ado, randomness will now commence:

Tomorrow is Starfuck--another Brown University LGBTQ sponsored party synonymous to that of Sex Power God.  Today me, Pattricia, and Mike went to the salvation army to look for clothes to wear, hahah, and I found this black dobok!  It's not like the white ones we use for Tae Kwon Do, but it's more robe-style.  Tricia and I are going as "prom dates" haha.  Me and her are probably going to be the people actually wearing clothes there.  Mike is going as a boy scout. He's definitely getting raped within the first 20 minutes of the party, haha.

Tae Kwon Do collegiate nationals are in like, two weeks!  I'M SO NERVOUS UGH.  Haha, I love doing head shots in sparring, it makes me feel cool.

So, I'm going to Beijing this summer under this program by Princeton University.  8 weeks only speaking chinese, it's intense.  I'm scared shitless.

My Tae Kwon Do equipment is starting to really smell, and my roommate can definitely notice.  He's really nice about it, and doesn't really bring it up.  But sometimes he faces his fan out the open window to let the air in the room circulate outside.  I feel so very dirty and bad, haha.

When I'm with a guy, I want to be with a GUY.  I think it's very unattractive that bisexual/gay men act like the opposite sex:  the gay accent, the wrist hanging, the bitching, the clothes--ALL of it, jesus.  The whole point of being with another man is to be with another MAN.  And what the fuck is this shit with the whole slut scene?  I mean, I know some heterosexuals are promiscuous as hell, but still.  Stop perpetuating the fucking stereotype of fucking everyone you meet.  Ever wonder why some people have a hard time accepting gay marriage?--because, with religion aside, they think that love between two members of the same sex is impossible.
Stop.  Fucking.  Perpetuating it.  It's always about a fuck scene, why no dating scene?  I'd very much rather learn about what another person wants in life than how big their cock is and how fast I can get it in my mouth.  

When I'm with a girl, I DON'T want to be with a BITCH.  Fussy, bitchy, shit talker.  It's disgusting.  I mean, really.  Though, I have to be honest, there's this one girl in my chinese class who's so fussy and headstrong, I find myself being attracted to her sometimes.  But yes, generally speaking, I don't want to date barbie.  I want to date an intelligent, mature, semi-girly young woman.  No bitches.  Please.  

WHAT THE FUCK is this shit:  "Like, OMG you guys, let's like, hurry up and go already!  I'm freezing!!"--girls wearing next to nothing in the fucking 21 degree F weather waiting to go to FISHCO to go "clubbing".  These girls go to Brown?  I mean, seriously, do they?  You'd figure that if they had the intellectual capacity to be enrolled into such an institution, they'd be smart and able-minded enough to fucking wear a jacket to keep warm.  Guess it just goes to show that no matter where you go, you have your dumbasses.  Disappointing?  Very

Sometimes I think that if I wasn't fat, more people would like me.  You may find some people that "believe" that looks don't matter.  But really.  Deep down you know that's a load of bullshit.  It makes me sad.

I got a B on my first Social Psychology paper!!!!!  Despite being slightly disappointed, I am very, very satisfied with myself!  :D

Sometimes I think I try wayyyy too hard to be funny.  It goes over-board, and I don't watch and/or think about what I'm saying.  I'm sorry =[ .

I think it's funny how some people think I'm a whore just because I'm attracted to members of both sexes.  On the contrary, I have morals.  I'm a virgin [insert disgusting giggle here] , and I'm waiting to lose it to someone who I'm in a long term committed relationship with, thankyouverymuch.  

I need a job.  Next summer I want to go to Beijing again, but this time through Duke University.  It costs money money money  money moneyyyyy.

And I am poor poor poor!  sigh.

I need a new digital camera!  My other one broke =[ .  I think i'll just settle for one of those cheap 10 mp ones on amazon.  A DLSR can wait.

Lately, I've been listening to this korean pianist names Yiruma.  Some of his pieces are slightly corny, but I like it--it's sweet, suddle, and relaxing.  It's been helping me get through my IR readings.

Fulfilling a triple major with IR, Psych, and Socio. has crossed my mind.  It'd be SUPER sick if i could get myself to do it, but we'll see.  I'd definitely have to take 5 classes for several semester, which is a bigggggg workload, considering how lazy I am.

I should really go to sleep now if I want to wake up early to do work, blah.

I've there's anything else I feel like bitching about, I'll post it later.  


Dub Dub

One Comment

  1. david why don't you just... wash your equipment? give it a nice hose down? :D also i don't think brown recognizes triple majoring. only two appear max.

    don't hate on the femme-y boys! i would say more, but. all the judith butler and philosophy on gender "imitation" from my gender and sexuality studies first year seminar makes my head hurt. and who am i to say what you should or shouldn't hate on.

    haha those girls who want to go clubbing in mini skirts in the freezing cold must have deadened nerve endings. or extreme tolerance for pain and a love for alcohol. who knows.

    good luck with finding a job! i would say NIH and you can hang with ME during the summer but you don't want to be a doctor and you want to spend your summers in china, so that doesn't quite work.


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