Archive for 2009

If The Fates Allow

We live with what we miss. We learn to build another wall until it falls.

Except this time, I can't break it--it won't budge.

I've been waiting for so long, I'm ready. And I don't care if I fail, if we fail. I just want to feel it with you. To live knowing that we had something, than nothing at all.

So help me. Break it down with me.


You Wanted Everything

You wanted it all.

You wanted the warmth of the stars held in the palms of your hands.

You wanted to wake up next to someone.

You wanted to be noticed with delicate beauty in the midst of chaos.

You wanted kisses on your forehead.

You wanted the rush. You wanted the ease.

And when you couldn't have it, you left. You left us all--everyone.

But I could have told you, this world was never meant for someone as beautiful as you.

And I'm sorry for only saying this now, but I felt the same.

I wanted everything too, you know.

I wanted you.

Destory Me This Way

And with every single moment you find out that things were not as they seemed. And with every single hope that just turned out to be nothing more than a silly manifestation.

Pieces of you start to peel away, chip off.

Yet you try so hard to remain adamant in the game--while at the same time wanting so hard to give up. So hard to give in. It's easier that way.

It gets to the point where you can't tell if these events, these mishaps are making you stronger, or numb.

Because the two are definitely not the same.

Chemically Derived

And they told us that we weren't meant for each other. But our hearts knew better than that.

And they told us that my arms weren't meant to hold a body like yours. But god, the warmth made me think otherwise.

And they told you that I would leave you.

And they told me that you would break me.

But who cares. The words they uttered no longer matter.

Because whether broken or a part, we were brilliant. And I will never forget you.

Even though I've never met you.


I can feel it--that feeling of sinking, of slipping. You try so hard to avoid it, but at the same time there comes a kind of comforting sensation. I guess that's what happens when you spend most of your time down in the dumps.

But this time it caught me surprise, and I don't know the cause of it. There are so many things I want to change about myself, and I don't know where to start. When I think I'm doing fine, my weaknesses get the better of me, and I get back at square one. The disappointments start to weigh much more than they used to, and as a consequence the measure of self-worth decreases.

The source of all of this, it's been something that I've been fighting for a long time.

I don't know if I can keep fighting it any more.

Pay Attention

You can see them. You know you do.

But chances are that, for your convenience, you choose not to.

But no matter where you go. No matter how much you ignore it.

Someone's heart is always breaking.

Right in front of you.

Product of Faulty Manufacturing

Says the label located behind my neck.

I've worked so hard to gain a sense of pride with the inconveniences provided warmly, and lovingly by human emotion. And yet. When something occurs, when something knocks me off my balance, I take it for granted. Sometimes it just get's overloaded, and I don't know what to do--what to tell you.

I am the Earth and you are my axis. You divide me. You distinguish my parts and what they represent as a coherent whole, keeping everything in line as the jealous sun can do nothing but fuel our connection with it's rays.

The heat.

The touch.

That feeling I get when you unexpectedly brush up against me, and from the point of contact outwards, you spread like wildfire throughout my entire body, going so far as to shorten the already minute gap between cells-- making them feel sensuality, even love.

But when all of it goes.

When everything is discovered to be nothing more than an inevitable let down, it happens:

The shortening of breath,
the wildfire on your body, but this time with an uncomfortable sensation concentrated at your chest,
loss of balance off the axis,

the emotions turn against you, and the feelings you valued become dreaded.

Is it worth the time? It is worth the effort?

I say yes.

Or rather, it's more like I wish I didn't have to say yes at all.

Faulty manufacturing.

Hi There

Sorry for not updating in such a long time. I feel terrible. Well, not really, despite that the terrible-ness of my impeded blogging abilities has disappointed me some.

Three months have passed, and let me tell you, a lot has happened. If anything, however, it has made me realize that I have been ignoring a lot of things about myself that I've known for quite some time I should change.

Another event occurred in which I was completely caught off guard, and I became someone I didn't know, someone who I had no control over. It was odd, really, because I didn't expect any of it to occur. It was also very frustrating--to the point where I feel as though I lost a friend before I even got a chance to really make one. It makes me sad.

I feel like I have improved so much these past three years, and this summer made me feel like I was starting back at square one--as if I had made no improvement at all, as if all of the growth I felt I have experienced had never occurred.

I thought I was strong, I thought that the many, many disappointments that I have gone through equipped me for one like this, for one especially like this. But it didn't. It hit me hard, and tore me a part.

I wasn't myself this summer. I lost it--myself. Now, however, I'm picking back up the pieces, the pixels, and little by little I'm starting to see myself again, and it feels good. I shouldn't let what other people expect from me, or disappointing events to distort the image, to deform it into something that I know isn't me.

I should just be myself. And it's about time I get comfortable with it.


Home Sweet Home

So, I just flew in from my 12+ hour flight (total flying time) from Providence,RI to Hilo, HI.  It's been pretty good seeing my mom, especially since one of our dogs, Chino, died.  We have two dogs, and both of them are brothers--but now we only have one left.  Those dogs are pretty much my mother's replacement for her kids, and it just pretty much broke her heart when one of them died.  

On a brighter note, being back home is pretty good.  The food is good, and cooking again is AMAZING.  Haha, making unique things at the Ratty is one thing, but actually being in front of the stove and pulling things out from the fridge and cupboards, tossing it into the pan, being creative from scratch--god, it feels great. 

Finals went by pretty slowly.  Creative NonFiction was the first to be done with, and it was pretty good.  Next came Social Psych, blah, I think I'm going to get a B in that class, meh.  The final was three timed essays, and I didn't really do good with them.  Next was my International Relations class, we had to define certain terms in high detail and write two essays.  I think I did pretty well!  I'm most likely going to get a B in the class, but that's okay, I'm not concentrating in IR.  Last was Chinese.  I think I'll get an A in that class, I hope!  The final went pretty good, I think. 

Other than that, it's time to lose the weight I gained from delicious Ratty/V-Dub food!  Haha, I also need to lose weight to get into the new weight division in Tae Kwon Do, so I can be faster and use less energy in moving my body.  I also found a steal from for a Nikon D60, refurbished for $419, hahaha!  I'm so excited!  It also has this stop motion movie feature, so I don't have to stitch all those pictures through another program on the computer!  It'll also be great for Beijing, gosh, you have no idea!  

I'm planning on working next year, so I can save enough money to go abroad again next summer, and hopefully, abroad for my first semester of junior year in college--to Taiwan!!  I have to see if I can afford losing that semester, though.  If I do decide to pursue an Sc.B Psychology degree with an A.B in Sociology, I have to fulfill a requirement of 26 classes.  And there are only about 4 (5 max) classes per semester, so yeah.  Blah, I need to think about it, but we'll see.  

Anyways, I'll talk to you later, most likely before I leave for Beijing!  The first thing I want to do with my Nikon is take pictures of my grandma cooking =].  It'll be great--just capturing her like that, even though a camera will never be able to capture the person she is, the woman who helped raise me.  







你們好, 我叫孟達偉。這些是我的寵物。他們是蠑螈。他們的眼睛都黑黑的,他們的肚子一部份黑色一部份橙色。這是的, 她叫小橙愛。請說你好。我覺得她沒有意思。她的身體小小的, 她的腿短短的。我給她吃東西的時候,她只吃一點。她不喜歡游泳,所以她常常跳出來碗,很麻煩。再見!這是男的,他叫小胖。請說你好。我很餓,我要現在吃飯。你為什麼要現在吃飯?因為你四天沒給我飯了。我覺得他比小橙愛更好玩。我毎次給他吃東西的時候,他一定吃完。他的嘴大大的。以前我有三個蠑螈,一個的,兩個男的。我買了兩個男的,所以的很高興。可是,現在我只有一個男的,因為小胖吃了第二個男的。他吃了他的臉,還有他的腳。我哭了一下。他們都很奇怪,可是我很喜歡他們。他們都是我的寶貝。







Dub Dub

Good Morning, Fire Eater

Jesus Christ, freshman year at Brown is almost coming to an end--WTF happened?

Lately, while walking through the blossoming trees in Wriston Quad and the Main Green, something's been striking me:  I can't believe that I'm here.  It's sometimes still really hard to realize, but when I do, it catches me by surprise--and I'm so grateful for it.  My life has changed so much since I've been here, I've learned so many new things, made so many new friends.  I honestly think that if I were to stay home, I would be really, really unhappy.

Pretty much most of the friendships I've had have been screwed over.  Oh well, at least I know who my true friends are back at home.

Haha, it also beats slowly rotting on that island.  I like how some people say stuff like "I hate when people act like this place is so horrible,"  when they haven't even experienced life somewhere else.  It makes me laugh.  

I love Hawaii, it's my home, and it will always be my home--but the world is so much more bigger than that, so many new places to see, new people to meet, new cultures to learn.

Now that Spring is coming to Brown, I can feel like every thing's coming back to life, experiencing all of the seasons is a wonderful, wonderful thing.  I think I still like autumn the most, though, haha.  

I can't wait to go back home, to see my grandma, my good friends.  I want to be able to cook like her, to preserve her memory.  I was supposed to do that during winter break, but we never got around to doing it, so hopefully he'll have more time this summer.

So, for the first month of summer break, I'm going to be home, hanging out with friends and family, and reviewing my entire year's worth of chinese.  The next two months of break, I'll be in Beijing in a Chinese intensive language program, and then the last month of break, I'll be back home before I enter sophomore year of college.  

RANDOM NOTE:  Emma Watson (the chick that plays Hermione in Harry Potter) is coming to Brown!  Haha, I'm not really that stoked or anything, but I just thought I'd say that.  I really hope she has a good experience here and that she has the time of her life.

Other than that, things have been pretty okay with me I guess.  Still lonely and what not, but relatively okay, eh.

Tae Kwon Do's pretty good, as always.  We end our first year on May 2nd ;_; !  I'm pretty sad about that, blah.  

The years really do go by quick, even more so when you have so many things to do and so many opportunities to choose from, so many friends to laugh with, so many stories to be told.

Dub Dub 

Maybe I'm Dreaming

Or maybe I'm not.

I'm not sure exactly how to put how I feel into words, because, I don't know, I guess I'm starting to care less and less about my reactions to things. Which is good and bad, I suppose. Lately I've been finding that I've been living with the mindset of

the moment

and it feels so damn good not to care about what the future would bring, how the past is something that can never be re-done--just living life day to day, smile to smile, awkward laugh to awkward laugh. I feel like I've improved a lot ever since I've started life here, and I don't ever want it to end.

Sometimes, however, everything just hits like a ton of bricks to my face. And yet. It makes me feel as though I'm running away from something.

what are you running away from, David?

I don't know.


you're just too embarrassed to bring it up

I guess it's something that I still have yet to resolve within myself, to confront, and to come to terms with. To come to terms with instead of having it leak out through the lyrics of the songs I make, and the chords I play with my guitar.

Maybe I'm being impatient. Maybe I'm being inconsiderate.

I don't know.

But I do know, however, that if I don't suck it up and get over this, it's just going to get worse and worse.

It's so tiring, it really is, but I can't help it--and I really wish I could,

but, feeling lonely sucks






It's almost April--that means that there's a little less than two months of school left.

Why did this year go by so fast?  So quickly?

You loser, it's more like how come you couldn't get more things done.

Anyways, I'm pretty excited about living somewhere else next year, and meeting even more people!  I'm especially excited for the new entering freshman that'll be in Tae Kwon Do--I want our club to keep getting bigger and bigger.  

Speaking of Tae Kwon Do, we just had Collegiate Nationals last weekend, yay!  It was AWESOME, and I'm so glad that I woke up at 6:30 all of those days to get up for morning practice.  I got a silver medal in poomsae, but I did poopie in sparring--LOL.  I think i've concluded that I DO NOT want to be in the heavy weight division anymore, those guys are HUGE, and if they're not huge, they're TALLLLL.  And I'm just little chubby short me, so yeah, oh, and i'll also hopefully be a lot faster.

Overall, it was an amazing experience, and I can't wait to compete again next year!

I have to get so much shit done this spring break, it's disgusting.  I have to read about 5 books, and get started on two papers, ugh  FML.

Betty's boyfriend, Johnny, flew up from UC Irvine to hang out with her during break, so he's been joining us during our dinners and what not.  I love cooking with friends, it feels great--like we're a family, you know?  We all contribute a part of ourselves when we make something in the kitchen, and when we share it with others, it just brings everyone a lot closer.

Tomorrow morning we're going to take the commuter rail to Boston, and then from there we're going to take the Feng Wah bus to go to New York.  From there it'll drop us off at China Town, where we'll eat lunch and hopefully HOPEFULLY buy more phone charms :3 !  I'm super stoked!  This is the first (well, Boston's China town was the first, but it was kind of pooey) real China town that I'm going to, so I hope I won't be let down.  

We'll be staying two nights at Amed's house, and we also plan on going to central park, times square, the sex museum, and maybe ellis island!

Other than that, I'm starting to hate my IR class.  Wait, no, let me correct that, I'm starting to hate my IR TA--she sucks balls.  Well, maybe hate is too strong a word, more like dislike, yeah.

Also, I'm still having no luck finding a new digital camera, and it really, really sucks.  I feel like so many moments that should've been captured on camera have been slipping through my fingers.  Eh, at least I have my little mino.  

Money is super tight right now, I need to save up for China this summer, to be able to pay for food for 8 weeks.  Haha, did you know that China has no drinking age?  ; )

So, here is a list of things that I need money for:

Food for Beijing, China  (300-450)
Digital Camera (140 -450, if I get a DSLR)

Right now I have enough for food, and I don't want to touch that, so all I really have to save up for is the new camera.

On another note, 小橙愛and胖奭螈 have been doing pretty good.  Sometimes I forget to feed them, though, but they survive.  I have a few friends who live in Rhode Island, so I'm going to ask them if they can take care of them during the summer.  

Expect another blog full of wonderful pictures of New York!

Dub Dub

At Random and Bitching

So, it's been quite a while since I've written a blog, haha.  I have to stop taking naps, seriously, they really mess up my sleep cycle.

Ugh, I have so much work to get done this weekend--I'm hoping to start tomorrow morning.

and without further ado, randomness will now commence:

Tomorrow is Starfuck--another Brown University LGBTQ sponsored party synonymous to that of Sex Power God.  Today me, Pattricia, and Mike went to the salvation army to look for clothes to wear, hahah, and I found this black dobok!  It's not like the white ones we use for Tae Kwon Do, but it's more robe-style.  Tricia and I are going as "prom dates" haha.  Me and her are probably going to be the people actually wearing clothes there.  Mike is going as a boy scout. He's definitely getting raped within the first 20 minutes of the party, haha.

Tae Kwon Do collegiate nationals are in like, two weeks!  I'M SO NERVOUS UGH.  Haha, I love doing head shots in sparring, it makes me feel cool.

So, I'm going to Beijing this summer under this program by Princeton University.  8 weeks only speaking chinese, it's intense.  I'm scared shitless.

My Tae Kwon Do equipment is starting to really smell, and my roommate can definitely notice.  He's really nice about it, and doesn't really bring it up.  But sometimes he faces his fan out the open window to let the air in the room circulate outside.  I feel so very dirty and bad, haha.

When I'm with a guy, I want to be with a GUY.  I think it's very unattractive that bisexual/gay men act like the opposite sex:  the gay accent, the wrist hanging, the bitching, the clothes--ALL of it, jesus.  The whole point of being with another man is to be with another MAN.  And what the fuck is this shit with the whole slut scene?  I mean, I know some heterosexuals are promiscuous as hell, but still.  Stop perpetuating the fucking stereotype of fucking everyone you meet.  Ever wonder why some people have a hard time accepting gay marriage?--because, with religion aside, they think that love between two members of the same sex is impossible.
Stop.  Fucking.  Perpetuating it.  It's always about a fuck scene, why no dating scene?  I'd very much rather learn about what another person wants in life than how big their cock is and how fast I can get it in my mouth.  

When I'm with a girl, I DON'T want to be with a BITCH.  Fussy, bitchy, shit talker.  It's disgusting.  I mean, really.  Though, I have to be honest, there's this one girl in my chinese class who's so fussy and headstrong, I find myself being attracted to her sometimes.  But yes, generally speaking, I don't want to date barbie.  I want to date an intelligent, mature, semi-girly young woman.  No bitches.  Please.  

WHAT THE FUCK is this shit:  "Like, OMG you guys, let's like, hurry up and go already!  I'm freezing!!"--girls wearing next to nothing in the fucking 21 degree F weather waiting to go to FISHCO to go "clubbing".  These girls go to Brown?  I mean, seriously, do they?  You'd figure that if they had the intellectual capacity to be enrolled into such an institution, they'd be smart and able-minded enough to fucking wear a jacket to keep warm.  Guess it just goes to show that no matter where you go, you have your dumbasses.  Disappointing?  Very

Sometimes I think that if I wasn't fat, more people would like me.  You may find some people that "believe" that looks don't matter.  But really.  Deep down you know that's a load of bullshit.  It makes me sad.

I got a B on my first Social Psychology paper!!!!!  Despite being slightly disappointed, I am very, very satisfied with myself!  :D

Sometimes I think I try wayyyy too hard to be funny.  It goes over-board, and I don't watch and/or think about what I'm saying.  I'm sorry =[ .

I think it's funny how some people think I'm a whore just because I'm attracted to members of both sexes.  On the contrary, I have morals.  I'm a virgin [insert disgusting giggle here] , and I'm waiting to lose it to someone who I'm in a long term committed relationship with, thankyouverymuch.  

I need a job.  Next summer I want to go to Beijing again, but this time through Duke University.  It costs money money money  money moneyyyyy.

And I am poor poor poor!  sigh.

I need a new digital camera!  My other one broke =[ .  I think i'll just settle for one of those cheap 10 mp ones on amazon.  A DLSR can wait.

Lately, I've been listening to this korean pianist names Yiruma.  Some of his pieces are slightly corny, but I like it--it's sweet, suddle, and relaxing.  It's been helping me get through my IR readings.

Fulfilling a triple major with IR, Psych, and Socio. has crossed my mind.  It'd be SUPER sick if i could get myself to do it, but we'll see.  I'd definitely have to take 5 classes for several semester, which is a bigggggg workload, considering how lazy I am.

I should really go to sleep now if I want to wake up early to do work, blah.

I've there's anything else I feel like bitching about, I'll post it later.  


Dub Dub

Your Words Were Like A Dream

So it's about 2:20 am right now.  Today I'm being a loser and deciding to just vegg out on the bed, hahhaa, 我真的很喜歡睡覺! I know it's bad for me, and I really should get started on studying for that IR midterm on Wednesday, seeing as how I have yet to peek at ANY of the readings, hahahha.  

Anyways, I've been thinking about changing my mind about which program to choose to go to Beijing.  You see, I got into both Princeton in Beijing and Duke in China.  Duke in China costs about 500-600 more bucks than PiB, and Duke doesn't give me financial aid, so poo.  The only thing I don't like is that Duke allows their students to have so much more interaction with the culture--to actually go out into Beijing and talk to the people, etc.  PiB, you just fly to Beijing to stay stuck in a building for 8 weeks (despite that their website says that there are 2-3 excursions, it's still no where near compared to what Duke has to offer).  But since PiB is cheaper and giving me financial aid, I think it's a reasonable choice to make.  

My Chinese will definitely improve (I'm only allowed to speak Chinese for the whole duration of the program, if not, they punish you...rape? xD), and I guess I can study abroad for a semester in China or Taiwan later on.  

However, studying for a semester abroad will get in the way of becoming a black belt in TKD in my senior year.  So...I kind of have to still figure that out, eh.  I also feel like I don't want to miss anything here, you know?  Brown is amazing.  


I think i've kinda/sorta decided what I'm going to concentrate in!!!!   Jesus Christ, it feels 




to actually feel like you have a sense of direction in your life, you know?  Anyways, I've been thinking about a dual-major in Psychology and Sociology, with a minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies.  I am absolutely loving my Sociology class--my professor is so awesome!  Every time I leave from his class, I feel like I understand myself and others better.  And it feels good--just knowing.  I've also been getting in touch with Ms. Megan, a sex-health educator, and I've been asking her about shadowing/internship opportunities in Providence!  

So, in other words, I ultimately aim to become a Sex Therapist.

You can copy and paste that link into your browser to understand what they do, however I think it's a little vague.  But yeah, my degrees in Psych and Soc. will be able to give me something to fall back on and allow me to practice normal therapy, because sex therapy isn't really a common thing.  The only thing I have to think about now is how Chinese would fit into all of this?  xD  I could go to Taiwan, buuuuuut, idk.  Either that, or I could just practice in LA or something, hahahhhahahaa.  

Anyways, life is going pretty good.  Tae Kwon Do nationals are coming up in a little less than a month, and I'm so nervous!  I never really thought of myself as a fighter, but fighting feels so good!  I have a blast at sparring!  Haha.  Not only that, but Brown TKD is such an encouraging environment--I don't think I ever would've gotten into martial arts if it weren't for Brown.  

As far as relationships go, I'm kind of just letting things go their course.  I still feel really lonely now and then, but overall I don't think I let it get to me.  My friends give me a lot of love, I know, but it'd be nice to feel a different kind of love, a different kind of affection, you know?  But it's okay, I'll just let things fall into place.



Note To Self

I'm sorry for not being honest.

I'm sorry for having to lie about how I feel, 




I don't know when it was that I decided to just cut the crap and paste on a smile all the time.  But little by little, it started to feel right.  Little by little, I got used to having a smile on my face, a spring in my step, a laugh in every conversation--it felt good.  


now it feels wrong.

I'll get through this, this will pass.  I'm just having a rough patch right now, that's all.  

I'll make it.

And the things that bring me down so easily will no longer make me lose my balance.


So, I Got Into Duke In China


wait, let me say that in chinese...


I have three weeks to respond, so I have three weeks to get an okay from my mom, blah.  I told her that I won't go unless I get enough scholarship money to pay for it, but she offered to make another loan--ugh, idk.  But now that I got accepted into this summer program, I feel like something like this doesn't come by very often, you know?  So whatever, I'm going for it.  Besides, I can get scholarship money to pay off the loan later.  I'm not trying to sound cocky, but I think that with my academic position, it'll be no problem.

Beijing, China,  HERE.




我快高潮了, 我快高潮了!!!



ps.  talk about best birthday present, ever!

The Minor Fall; The Major Lift

Stop this.

Stop this now.

End it.


It's not like I'm a slut
or that I really like to fuck,
I just want every boy I see,
to walk away with part of me,

Until there's nothing left to hold,
until there's nothing left to hate,
I know that I need help,
but even you can't save me from myself.

It's not like I am weak or that I don't know how to leave,
it's just that every time you cheat,
you bring me closer to defeat,
until there's nothing left to love,
until there's nothing left to say,
I know that you need help,
but even I can't save you from yourself.

--Her Space Holiday, Japanese Gum

The more and more I relate my actions to this song, the more and more it starts to make sense. I don't know whether or not I'm purposely putting myself through this kind of self-degradation, or whether or not it's just an inevitable consequence of the risk. For some reason, however, I have a strange feeling it's the former.

And for the record:

Never have I ever been in love.


I love catching snowflakes with my tongue

So, I’m at the Honolulu Airport right now waiting for my plane to arrive so I can go to Chicago. Blah, I hate waiting--they really need to invent a faster way of travel, seriously. Anyways, I totally forgot to write in here before I left the house, because all these lame airports don’t have free wifi, ugh. But yeah, my time spent at home was a lot better than expected! I spent a lot of time sleeping, yes, but when I felt like it, I spent quite of bit of my time going out and seeing some people.
I probably didn’t spend as much time seeing people like others would when they come home from college, but it’s okay with me.

“Graduated, as in DONE with that”

--Natalie Walters

Haha, I don’t really care about most of my classmates, well I do, but I don’t really feel like I need to make an effort to see EVERYONE, jesus christ. That quote I just wrote is from my awesome friend Natalie, I guess I’ve begun to understand her logic behind that statement. Fuck it! High school was a bunch of BS.
Don’t get me wrong, if it weren’t for that I don’t feel like I would’ve grown and developed into the person I am today. I also owe some very memorable moments to my years in high school. Despite that, I still don’t really care about my high school reunion, they can all suck my cock. LOL
Welllllll...hmmm, what else is there to say? OH, yesterday I went down to Hilo’s local farmer’s market and bought this sick bracelet from this elderly chinese woman. She sounded like she could barely speak english, so, on a far-fetched guess I asked her 你說中文? And she was like HOLY SHIT BALLS 對! Hahahaha, she was very impressed! I can’t wait until I reach fluency, tagalog might take a while, though--but at least it’s a foreign language that people in my family speak.
Hmmm, as far as college goes, I’m going to try IR and/or Public Health, and just see how those feel. Being undecided sucks, it really, really does.

Well that’s all for now!

OH, and I’m saving up to possibly buy a DSLR, hahahaha, I have the money for it now, buuuuuut idk, money’s REALLY tight right now, so I can’t just blow $500 bucks on one thing @_@

Dub dub out

10 More Days

So, I have about 10 days left here at home before I go back to Brown. Today was pretty awesome, Nat, her friend Collin, and I went to Volcano National Park to go hiking along the crater trail, it was a great workout, especially walking uphill! XD

I took a lot of pictures of the scenery, and it makes me feel like sometimes, okay, well, most times, I take this place for granted. There's so much natural beauty here, so much that's untouched by civilization. And yes, there is SO MUCH less to do here than in a city on the mainland, but I think something that only places like Hawaii can provide, is appreciation.

Appreciation for time, for nature, scenery. Everything goes by so slowly here--everyone's on "Hawaii time". I guess you can say it's a nice break from college, haha. Despite this, I'm still looking forward to going back to school and seeing everyone! I miss them. I also miss Tae Kwon Do, you have no idea. :(

It's still really hard for me to believe that my first year in college is almost done. I have to get a ton finished during these next 10 days: figure out my course schedule for next semester, do those journal entries in chinese, art project, send in my application for the Princeton in Beijing summer program, get started on doing the application for Duke in China, blahblah.

OH, and on a random note, I learned how to say cuddle in chinese!!!


translation: We can cuddle now! or Now we can cuddle!


Dub Dub out

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