Archive for April 2009





你們好, 我叫孟達偉。這些是我的寵物。他們是蠑螈。他們的眼睛都黑黑的,他們的肚子一部份黑色一部份橙色。這是的, 她叫小橙愛。請說你好。我覺得她沒有意思。她的身體小小的, 她的腿短短的。我給她吃東西的時候,她只吃一點。她不喜歡游泳,所以她常常跳出來碗,很麻煩。再見!這是男的,他叫小胖。請說你好。我很餓,我要現在吃飯。你為什麼要現在吃飯?因為你四天沒給我飯了。我覺得他比小橙愛更好玩。我毎次給他吃東西的時候,他一定吃完。他的嘴大大的。以前我有三個蠑螈,一個的,兩個男的。我買了兩個男的,所以的很高興。可是,現在我只有一個男的,因為小胖吃了第二個男的。他吃了他的臉,還有他的腳。我哭了一下。他們都很奇怪,可是我很喜歡他們。他們都是我的寶貝。







Dub Dub

Good Morning, Fire Eater

Jesus Christ, freshman year at Brown is almost coming to an end--WTF happened?

Lately, while walking through the blossoming trees in Wriston Quad and the Main Green, something's been striking me:  I can't believe that I'm here.  It's sometimes still really hard to realize, but when I do, it catches me by surprise--and I'm so grateful for it.  My life has changed so much since I've been here, I've learned so many new things, made so many new friends.  I honestly think that if I were to stay home, I would be really, really unhappy.

Pretty much most of the friendships I've had have been screwed over.  Oh well, at least I know who my true friends are back at home.

Haha, it also beats slowly rotting on that island.  I like how some people say stuff like "I hate when people act like this place is so horrible,"  when they haven't even experienced life somewhere else.  It makes me laugh.  

I love Hawaii, it's my home, and it will always be my home--but the world is so much more bigger than that, so many new places to see, new people to meet, new cultures to learn.

Now that Spring is coming to Brown, I can feel like every thing's coming back to life, experiencing all of the seasons is a wonderful, wonderful thing.  I think I still like autumn the most, though, haha.  

I can't wait to go back home, to see my grandma, my good friends.  I want to be able to cook like her, to preserve her memory.  I was supposed to do that during winter break, but we never got around to doing it, so hopefully he'll have more time this summer.

So, for the first month of summer break, I'm going to be home, hanging out with friends and family, and reviewing my entire year's worth of chinese.  The next two months of break, I'll be in Beijing in a Chinese intensive language program, and then the last month of break, I'll be back home before I enter sophomore year of college.  

RANDOM NOTE:  Emma Watson (the chick that plays Hermione in Harry Potter) is coming to Brown!  Haha, I'm not really that stoked or anything, but I just thought I'd say that.  I really hope she has a good experience here and that she has the time of her life.

Other than that, things have been pretty okay with me I guess.  Still lonely and what not, but relatively okay, eh.

Tae Kwon Do's pretty good, as always.  We end our first year on May 2nd ;_; !  I'm pretty sad about that, blah.  

The years really do go by quick, even more so when you have so many things to do and so many opportunities to choose from, so many friends to laugh with, so many stories to be told.

Dub Dub 

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